Thursday, 24 March 2016

Starting a YouTube Channel

 [This is from my second channel, I got lucky with this thumbnail, my second video not so much]

I see a lot of videos and articles discussing how to start up a YouTube channel, the vast majority of which come from channels that are already somewhat successful. This makes a lot of sense, but because they all come from the same (often older) perspective there are some elements that get passed over. Something I wish I knew before I started 3 YouTube channels (1 for my band, 2 personal) was that YouTube only allows you to verify 2 channels of of the same phone number. I verified my band's channel (we plan on possibly writing songs over 15 minutes, so that's important) and my primary personal channel covering topics similar (or ripped straight from) this blog. Unfortunately my 2nd personal channel now cannot be verified and the biggest problem I have there (apart from being unable to upload 15 minute plus videos) is that I can't add custom thumbnails, a bigger deal it seems to me than any other restriction. So in light of my recent lack of forward planning I thought I'd put together a short list for anyone looking to start a channel in 2016.

Monday, 14 March 2016

So, I made a video

I made a video from my favourite piece on this blog, the one on Art, Porn, Commercialisation, Kill La Kill and Cashback, This took ages and is the second time I uploaded the thing (thanks to automated systems that flag videos for copyrighted content which, although fair enough, gets abused by companies to avoid negative or non-profitable videos and fair use laws aren't upheld), I'd really appreciate it if you gave it a look and dropped some feedback; that helps immensely.

Cheers, have a good one.