Thursday 14 January 2016

Undertale: A masterpiece in game design

Undertale is the best game I have ever played. While it may only be subjectively better than all the other games I’ve yet had the pleasure to play there is a particular reason that I think it’s the best game I’ve come across. People have cited the characters, the music, the writing and even sometimes the art style as the reason they fell in love with the game. All of those elements are fantastic but one of the least lauded aspects is the reason Undertale stands above the likes of Half-Life, Metal Gear Solid and Team Fortress 2 in my eyes, and that’s actually the gameplay.

Thursday 7 January 2016

In Praise Of: The Music Machine

If it weren’t for a late play through of the incredible Undertale David Szymanski’s The Music Machine would be my pick for game of the year for 2015 (admittedly I played very few new releases but beating out the likes of the excellent The Beginners Guide is no small feat). Clever writing, incredible aesthetic, horrifying environments and subtly intelligent game design all combine to make for a fantastic game that sadly hasn’t seen anywhere near as much praise as I believe it deserves. Why does it deserve so much praise? Read on to get my view on one of the more intelligent and unique takes on horror (in any form) I’ve ever experienced.